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August 2024

1          Thursday ~ Cuba

Churches of the Open Bible is asking for prayer for provision for a 2020 Hyundai 24-seat minibus ($30,000 needed).


2          Friday ~ Iran

Pray for Harvest Middle East Ministries as it provides help to persecuted Christians. Pray for God’s protection of all Christians in Iran, especially those in prison, and for release of those prisoners. Pray for freedom for Iranian churches to worship God more openly.


3          Saturday ~ Canada— First Nations

Pray that Canada Inuit Ministries missionaries will bring healing and God’s salvation into the lives of Canada’s Inuit and other First Nations people. Praise God for how He is changing lives through CIM.


4          Sunday ~ China—Praise Report!

China Mission’s TLR ministry recently conducted a Personal Life Development course at a middle school in G; 400 seventh graders from eight different classes participated.; 72 students signed up to be volunteers. TLR followed up volunteers with special training and care. “We visited the school once a month and held five activities there,” reports TLR. “We were able to train 472 people each time. A total of 2,360 people were served.” Praise God for this good work.


5          Monday ~ Kazakhstan

Pray for New Life Ministries Kazakhstan’s plans to organize youth camps in different regions of Kazakhstan. The cost of an NLM youth camp-conference for 110 people is $5,600.


6          Tuesday ~ Kenya

Ebenezer Life Centre’s secondary school needs more Bibles ($3 each). Please pray for a plentiful supply of Bibles.


7          Wednesday ~ Ukraine

Praise God for more than 3,000 orphans and street children whose lives have been transformed by God through the ministry of Father’s House over the years. Pray that the children and youth currently in the care of Father’s House will accept Jesus into their lives and grow spiritually.


8          Thursday ~ Egypt—Praise Report!

“Peter’s mother called us saying, ‘I thank God for your service. My son gave his life to Jesus and stopped taking drugs,’” reports Reaching All Egypt. “Peter from Minya was an atheist. He also began to get addicted to different kinds of drugs. He went to the Oasis to learn driving, and during the worship time, he felt the presence of God and began sobbing. He repented and felt an unprecedented joy fill his heart. Now he attends the meetings regularly at church, and wants to study theology.”


9          Friday ~ Nepal

Ask the Lord to comfort and encourage the pastors and other Christians at the Evangelical Christian Fellowship Dharan and Amagau churches, and the Glory Church in Nawalpara—all of whom have faced persecution recently. Pray that God will protect these believers and help them restore damaged property.


10        Saturday ~ India

“Though we have completed almost 75 percent of the School Building construction, we are unable to move forward in completing the final task for want of funds,” reports Bombay Revival Prayer Band, BPB has made good progress on construction of this project (see photo), which consists of building the ground and two more floors, with eight classrooms total, and several washrooms. Praise God that generous Intercede prayer partners have provided generously for this project, leaving $63,000 left to raise. Please pray for the Lord’s provision for this.


11        Sunday ~ India

Siloam Evangelical Fellowship requests prayer for medical camps (photo) to be conducted in villages where there are hindrances to preaching the Gospel ($360 for each medical camp). Thank you for your prayers.


12        Monday ~ Nepal

In May, Gospel Outreach Centre founder Resham passed on to his eternal home to be with the Lord. “Resham was in a happy mood the morning of his falling asleep,” reports his family. “He sang hymns, prayed for and counseled visitors from the Scripture. He went to be with the Lord during his afternoon nap, peacefully, after more than a decade of struggling with Parkinson’s disease.” Pray for comfort and encouragement for Resham’s family and fellow missionaries.


13        Tuesday ~ South Sudan

Praise God that some of the children in the care of South Sudan Mission’s Savannah Children’s Centre participate in church leadership activities, some are leaders in church choirs, and others are leaders of Sunday schools. Pray that all of the children and youth in the care of the Centre will be used of the Lord.


14        Wednesday ~ Myanmar

Pray about Myanmar’s political instability and fighting in many places. Pray for peace to come to that nation. Witnessing For Christ missionaries need His protection daily. Pray for the safety, health and strength of WFC workers—who need to travel sometimes into very difficult areas of this nation.


15        Thursday ~ Israel

“Pray for us for peace—for the peace for Israel, for peace in the hearts of the people, and for the peace of Jerusalem,” requests Joel Goldberg, leader of Netivah Christian Ministries. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.


16        Friday ~ India

Pray for protection for Himalaya Crusade’s missionaries who work in dangerous areas, where Christians face persecution. Pray that God will defeat the powers of darkness throughout the regions in which this mission works. Pray that God will continue to protect Christians there.


17        Saturday ~ Indonesia

Pray for God’s blessings on Oneness Fullness Witness missionaries’ outreach among N. people. Pray for peace between Christians and Ns in Indonesia, and for many to receive salvation. Pray for God’s protection of all Christians and churches there.


18        Sunday ~ Ukraine—Praise Report!

“Anatoliy, a single man who lives in the Poltava region, has been disabled since childhood and stayed in bed for the past months, waiting for the day of his death,” reports Good Samaritan Mission. “After GSM missionaries came to his house and gave him the Gospel, he got out of bed and came to the church and said that the Word of God restored his life. Praise be to God!”


19        Monday ~ Pakistan

“We rejoice in sharing the fruitful work of Pastor Sunil Qadir, a young and passionate servant of God,” reports Pakistan Gospel Assemblies leader Salem Johnson. “Brother Sunil, alongside his devoted wife, has been tirelessly reaching the youth of their community with the life-changing message of the Gospel. Through the power of the Word of God, he is drawing young hearts to Christ, building them up in faith, and raising up a new generation of believers. Pastor Sunil’s vision for expanding this vital ministry is clear, yet he faces financial constraints. To effectively reach more young people and strengthen their walk with the Lord, he requires $1,400 per quarter to organize youth conferences, retreats, and outreach events. These gatherings will equip and empower the youth to become disciples and leaders.”


20        Tuesday ~ Iran—Praise Report!

“Harvest Middle East Ministries has identified 22 key languages within which translated Scriptures will have the most significant impact on church formation in Iran,” reports the ministry. “Our team of 145 translators and reviewers are working across multiple languages with the goal of translating the Bible in all 22. Perhaps our greatest achievement in 2023 was the completion of our first New Testament in the language of Gilan: Gilaki. There are three million Gilaks living in Iran. The region is largely unreached, with no known churches. By God’s grace, Gilan’s story is about to change.”


21        Wednesday ~ Kenya

“Please pray for our country as we are having abnormal rains which have caused floods in many areas,” reports Timothy Kinyua of Cornerstone Evangelistic Ministries. “Thousands of people have been displaced and others have been swept away. On April 28 in one village on the outskirts of Nairobi several homes were swept away and more than 40 people were killed. Thanks so much for your prayers at this time of disaster.” Pray for funds to help CEM to help those in affected areas.


22        Thursday ~ Peru

Pray that God will continue to guide and protect Segadores missionaries in the construction work on their missionary base in Antalaya, Peru. Pray for necessary funds for completing the training facilities on the base. Praise God for good progress with and donations for the development of the new missionary base and training centre.


23        Friday ~ Vietnam

Pray for pastors who are imprisoned for their faith, and for God’s provision for and protection of them, their wives and families. Vietnam For Christ provides support of $660 per year to as many of these families as possible–as they are left with no breadwinner and live in dire poverty.


24        Saturday ~ Azerbaijan

Pray for God’s protection of Brotherhood of Azerbaijan’s missionaries and their families. Pray for increased freedom for Azerbaijani Christians to worship God without obstructions from authorities.


25        Sunday ~ Colombia—Praise Report!

Nidia Sanches, 52 years of age, was a bitter woman, socially distanced from everyone, report Vineyard of Colombia. “She used to isolate herself in her home. She was extremely sick with sores on her skin. She was an idolator, and in her desperation to get healed she sought help from a witchcraft doctor, but nothing helped her. The local church organized a three-day rally and we invited her. She went one night and received the Lord, and that night she got healed and delivered from the bitterness, and was set free. Today she is a different person, happy, and has a heart of serving others. Praise the Lord!”


26        Monday ~ Philippines

Children in Smoky Mountain Ministries’ care need schoolbooks. Pray for God’s provision for them. Pray for blessings on SMM’s Pre-School Ministry.


27        Tuesday ~ Türkiye

Turkish Christian Fellowship Pastor Najat’s wife, E, had a major operation last year. “When she came out of surgery, she was in a lot of pain from the surgery,” reports TCF. “We pray for her to get well completely. We are grateful for your prayers and help.” Pray for provision of $3,500 remaining operation costs, and for E’s complete healing.


28        Wednesday ~ Egypt      

Reaching All Egypt is seeking assistance for its vocational training classes, which cost $90 per person. Please pray about this.


29        Thursday ~ India

Pray for Good Samaritan India’s John Krupakar, who was brutally attacked some time ago. Pray for his healing, and for $5,450 for his medical treatment. He still needs to have two surgeries soon.


30        Friday ~ China

Pray for China Mission’s Chinese and Kazakh Bilingual Discipleship Training Centres and other Discipleship Training Centres in X Province, for provision for operations.


31        Saturday ~ Peru

Churches of Ayacucho runs a yearly training program (Bible Institute) to prepare its workers better. Please pray for that. COA needs $8,000 per year to run this program, which includes lodging, manuals, food, and teachers’ compensation.

